Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Oh sleep, where art thou?

Another little fun fact about me: sleep and I, aren’t the greatest of friends. As far as I can remember I have rarely had a decent, blissful, completely oblivious unconsciousness to all surroundings for a full eight hours. That’s fine. I’ve come to terms with it. That’s what night is for me. Every now and then I’ll go through phases where I can’t sleep because the monster under the bed made a deal with the sandman so he could chase me in my dreams for awhile but usually I can go through the night waking only two or three times, long enough to look around, see that I’m still in my room and roll over and fall right back into the lovely unconscious state that I am so fond of. However, then there are nights like these. I wake up and I can’t breathe out of my right nostril. That’s annoying. I lay there some more. Okay well this is ridiculous. I get up, walk the 11.3 paces into my bathroom, grab tissue, unclog said nostril, start hacking uncontrollably, hope I didn’t wake Daph up…..is she even down here tonight? I didn’t hear her come down. The hall light is on, that’s usually a good indicator if she is in her bed or not…..hmm…..I wonder if she can hear me typing…..anyway……so I’m hacking away, I go back to my room to get my water bottle so I can fill it with the calorie free, see through, liquid goodness that runs through our taps, ( I think the only time I drink water is when I realize I’m about to pass out because of dehydration, and when I’m sick) anyway on my way to get the bottle I pass weird kitty sitting in front of my door. She has this uncanny ability to appear from nowhere and yet look as if she’s been in that spot forever. Creepy. So I step over her, grab the bottle from my book case, fill ‘er up and go back to my room. Weird kitty, still there. Alright fine, she can come in but if she makes one noise she’s out! I crawl in between the sheets, snuggle up to my pillow husband and close my eyes…….riiiiiiiip riiiiiiiiip UGGGGHHHH!!! she’s scratching my carpet! I jump up, grab weird kitty and throw her out. Yes, I threw her, she has nine lives I’m sure she’ll be fine. I go back to bed. I’m awake. I can’t feel the sleep droopiness around my eyes any longer. I did too much….. Half an hour goes by, I remember back to my psychology class, apparently it’s good for you to get up and do something for a bit and then try and go back to sleep, it’s better than lying there or something. I don’t know I’ve never tried it. Then I think " hey, I’ve got a blog now, this could be something to write about", so I start planning all this out in my head, then I think why not kill two birds with one stone? I could go post this and test out the theory from psych class. What a capital idea. So here I am, not asleep boring you with me not being asleep. I thik I need to go to sleep. Okay I think that’s enough now. I can feel sleep around my eyes again. Goodnight.

1 comment:

Alyssa said...

all of that's really funny because its very true and described quite cleverly - I should say.